Classes Duration: 
Full academic year - 6th Nov 2024 - 16
th July 2025

Venue: Zoom online teaching (video recording will also be available for up to 3 months for after-class self-practice)

There are options for five classes;

Four evening classes & two morning practice sessions (as 1 class unit) (Times are UK Greenwich Mean Time)

Forms or items below are starting forms for the beginning of the full-year programme, we will add on further forms as we progress through the year

Tuesdays & Thursdays (2 mornings count as one class unit starting 5th Nov) led by various appointed instructors of Deyin Institute

Morning classes are Free bonus classes for people who sign up for all classes option in the programme

  • Morning Class 1 - 8:00am - 8:30am
    Rise and Shine with Qi Booster 

Wednesdays (Master Faye) Starting 6th Sept

  • Class 1 - 19:00pm - 19:50pm
    24 Step Tai Chi for improvers

  • Class 2 - 20:00pm - 20:50pm
    Meditation and Qigong Yi Jin Jing

Thursdays (Master Tary) Starting 7th Nov

  • Class 1 - 19:00pm - 19:50pm
    42 Step Taijiquan

  • Class 2 - 20:10pm - 21:00pm
    Xing Yi Standing Pole

24 Step

24 step Taijiquan is an exercise that requires the calming of the mind and relaxing of the body, naturalness, and gentleness, continuous and even paced, as well as the combining of movement and stillness. Some benefits include improved functioning of the nervous system and the brain, positive effect on muscles and bones, and can strengthen the functioning of the respiratory system.

Yi Jin Jing

Yi Jin Jing movements require a full range of stretching, bending, flexing and twisting in multi-directional and wide-ranging motions of the bones and related joints. As the bones are flexed, the muscle groups, tendons, and ligaments are also stretched. This improves blood circulation, and nutrition supersession in the soft tissues of the motion-related areas, increases the flexibility and pliability of the soft tissues and enhances the mobility of the joints, and muscles.

42 Step Taijiquan

A unique Tai Chi routine, structured by one of the world's famous Tai Chi Masters, Professor Li De Yin. Includes the main characteristics and inner essence of four of the four major traditional Tai Chi styles, this routine offers great insights of different styles as well as the fantastic health benefits.

Xing Yi Standing Pole

Standing Pole is categorised as a still Qigong exercise. A meditative method that effectively transmutes Qi outside and inside the body to power energies to help heal and repair the ailing organs and the aging body. It is a method used by Daoist, Buddhist, and other qigong systems practitioners in their quest for longevity and wellness. As the name suggests, practitioners perform the exercise often in various static and motionless positions. Through the focus of the mind, manipulating breathing patterns, and standing in various poses the practitioner can benefit greatly.

Previous Years

Virtual classes taught by Masters Faye and Tary have been a great success with students from the UK, France, Norway, Argentina, the USA, Australia as well as China benefiting from the great teaching of two renowned teachers and benefited physically and mentally from the fantastic effect of Tai Chi and Qigong.  

Striving on the success of 2024's online classes, we are pleased to confirm that Wednesday and Thursday evening classes are continuing from 6th Nov 2024 to 16th July 2025. There are 33 classes in each option, which means up to 160 hours of fun and well-being exercises that promise to deepen your knowledge and consolidate your personal practice and development.

These classes are suitable for both novice and advanced practitioners, different levels will attain various degrees of achievement through learning from highly reputable teachers in the UK and Europe. 

Training with two highly respected masters has many incredible benefits;

  • Unblock meridian to boost Qi (energy) flow
  • Clear blood vessels for better circulation
  • Improve physical and mental wellness such as more mobile joints, stronger muscles, flexible tendons, stronger minds, and better self-confidence.
  • Enhance your immune system to fight any illnesses and conditions
  • Raise your Tai Chi and Qigong practice standards and enhance your knowledge in mindfulness and energy work.

and more.....

Youtube recordings will be available for participants

We will be recording Masters Tary and Faye's teaching and making recordings available for participants to use as after-class practice. People who can not attend some or most of the classes at the scheduled time due to work, other arrangements, or Time zone differences could use the recordings to learn at a time of their choice. 

These classes will help to consolidate your personal practice and understanding of these forms. 

As the classes are conducted over the Zoom platform, enthusiasts from outside the UK are also welcomed and encouraged to attend.

Please note that recording will be available for a further three months after the end of the classes in July 2023 as a practice guide for participants to consolidate and improve their practice.

Holiday and a Half Term Breaks

Classes will be run weekly except the following weeks, which are school and public holidays;

  • 23 Dec - 5 Jan 2025,
  • 18 April - 05 May 2025
  • the year ends on 17th July 2025


Tuition Fees:

In an effort to offer our learners a good value and great learning experience, we have set our fee in a simpler and clearer structure. There are two options and two payment methods, you can either ;

  • Pay in full at registration 
  • by 2 X installments - 1st payment is with booking and the second payment is to be paid by 28th Feb 2025
 The fee options below include
Free Video Recording of the classes to aid your after-class practice (available for 3 months) 

One-Class option 

(Must specify a class to attend)

Two Classes option

(Please choose two classes)

Deyin/BHQA Members -

Pay in Full 
£230.00 full-year


by Instalments
£125 X 2  (£250 total)

Non-members -

Pay in Full 
£265.00 full-year


by Instalments
£150 X 2  (£300 total)

Deyin/BHQA Members -

Pay in Full 
£365.00 full-year


by Instalments
£200 X 2  (£400 total)

Non-members -

Pay in Full 
£430.00 full-year


by Instalments
£230 X 2  (£460 total)

Early booking discount 
(for 1-class option)

Book & pay in full before 15th September 2024

£40 Off

Early booking discount 
(for Two-classes option)

Book & pay in full before 15th September 2024

£65 Off

All Classes option

(Include Weds & Thurs - 4 Classes plus Tues & Thurs Morning energy booster sessions)
up to 200 hrs of training


Deyin/BHQA Members -

Pay in Full 
£490.00 full-year


by Instalments
£265 X 2  (£530 total)

Non-members -

Pay in Full 
£560.00 full-year


by Instalments
£295 X 2  (£590 total)

Early booking discount 
(for All-classes option)

Book & pay in full before 15th September 2024

£80 Off

Are you a Deyin member? If not why not join members to take advantage of the low member price?

If you would like more installment options please contact us to discuss further.

Financial Assistance / Bursary Funds

There is also a "John Smith Bursary Fund" that could help those who need some financial support to pay for the classes, please contact Sue Smith for further details.

To book

Please CLICK the Button below to register

Note: During this academic year there may be senior instructors stepping in for Master Tary and Faye if they are not able to teach live on the day.


Registration Form

Weekly Classes with Masters Tary & Faye 2024-25
6th Nov - 16th Jul 2025
Please enter your details below, then click 'Continue' to go to the Confirmation page.
Entry titles marked with an asterisk * are required.
Payment Total £
Clear Entries